Acrise – Cooler than Ice – EST. 1990


Members of Acrise – A quick overview

We are a group of friends who are passionate about the Commodore C64. Founded in 1990, we have set ourselves the goal of sharing the joy of this legendary 8-bit computer and actively supporting the C64 scene.

In this introduction, we would like to briefly introduce ourselves and give an outlook for the coming months.

Who are we?

Acrise consists of a motley crew of C64 enthusiasts from all ages and with different skills. Whether you are a programmer, graphic artist, musician or just a gamer – everyone is welcome who enjoys the C64.

What do we do?

We meet regularly to play together, program and exchange ideas about the C64. We also organize events and demos to introduce the C64 scene to a wider audience.

What’s next?

In the coming months, we will be introducing some new members of the group. These talented C64 fans will enrich the Acrise community with their contributions and bring fresh air to the scene.

EST. since 1990

Acrise: An International C64 Group / A global organisation with members world-wide

Acrise is a group of Commodore C64 enthusiasts from all over the world. Although we are physically separated, we are united by our shared passion for the C64.

Our members come from a variety of backgrounds and have different skills and interests. However, we are all united by our love of the C64 and our desire to keep its legacy alive.

We are always looking for new members to join our group. If you are interested in the C64 and would like to be part of a vibrant and international community, then we encourage you to get in touch.

All Time Member-List :

Bomb [](9-1991 -> )Cover Designer, FTP Supporter, Mega Swapper, Net Trader, Original Supplier
DMI [](1990 -> )Author, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Modem Trader, Net Trader, Organizer, Swapper
Exult [](1-1992 -> )Coder, Cracker, FTP Supporter, Graphician, Swapper, Webmaster
Imperator [] †(5-1991 -> )Cracker, FTP Supporter, Mega Swapper, Modem Trader, Net Trader, Original Supplier
Joker [](1993 -> )FTP Supporter, Swapper
Mendrake [] / [www](1990 -> )Author, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, FTP Administrator, Mega Swapper, Modem Trader, Net Trader, Organizer, Original Supplier, Phreaker, Public Relations Manager, Sysop, Webmaster
Micronix [](8-2013 -> )Coder, Cracker, Musician
PBY [](4-1998 -> )PC Member, Graphician
Riddler [](1991 -> )Co-Organizer, Co-Sysop, Cracker, Logo Graphician, Mega Swapper, Modem Trader, Original Supplier
Achilles   (ex)(1992 -> 1994)Swapper
Anakonda   (ex)(2-1992 -> )Cracker, Swapper
Artex   (ex)(1992 -> 1993)Coder, Cracker, Swapper
Artlace   (ex)(1991 -> 1994)Coder, Swapper
Attraction   (ex)(1991 -> 1992)Cracker, Modem Trader
Axodry   (ex)(1992 -> 9-1993)Graphician
BC   (ex)Cracker
Beetlejuice   (ex)(5-1991 -> 1994)Coder, Cover Designer, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper
Bordeaux   (ex)(7-1991 -> 2-2014)Co-Organizer, Coder, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Mega Swapper, Musician, Papermag Editor, Swapper
Clive   (ex)(6-1991 -> 3-1992)Mega Swapper
Creb   (ex)(1992 -> 1994)Mega Swapper
Crossfire   (ex)(11-1991 -> 1993)Coder, Cracker, Logo Graphician, Mega Swapper, Modem Trader, Net Trader, Organizer, Original Supplier
Cybernoid   (ex)(1992 -> 1993)Graphician, Sysop
Dishy   (ex)(3-1992 -> 3-1992)Mega Swapper, Original Supplier, Papermag Editor
Double-T   (ex)(1991 -> 1992)Coder, Cracker
Dr. Will   (ex)(1991 -> 1993)Modem Trader, Sysop
Eco   (ex)(1994 -> 1996)Musician
FLI []  (ex)Swapper
Fresh   (ex)(unknown function)
Fresh   (ex)(1992 -> 1992)Cracker
Goat   (ex)(10-1996 -> 1-1997)Original Supplier, Swapper
Gorefest []   (ex)Swapper
Gothic   (ex)(5-1996 -> 12-1996)Co-Sysop, Coder, Modem Trader, Original Supplier
Hornet   (ex)Graphician, Swapper
Igor   (ex)(7-1991 -> 1995)Coder, Cracker
Incest   (ex)(1991 -> 1993)Modem Trader
Jive   (ex)(5-1991 -> 9-1991)Cracker, Swapper
Lightnis   (ex)Swapper
Logan   (ex)(unknown function)
Mac Systems   (ex)Graphician, Swapper
Mason   (ex)(12-1991 -> 3-1992)Coder, Cracker, Modem Trader, NTSC-Fixer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Merlin   (ex)Mega Swapper
Mic & Mac   (ex)(unknown function)
Mouse   (ex)Coder, Graphician
Mr. Mister   (ex)(10-1996 -> 10-1996)Swapper
Mr. Perfect   (ex)Graphician, Original Supplier, Swapper
Mr.Mister   (ex)(unknown function)
Nowhere Man   (ex)(unknown function)
Olorin   (ex)Modem Trader, Swapper
Optimus Prime   (ex)(1991 -> 1992)Cracker
Outlaw   (ex)(5-1995 -> 12-1995)Coder, Cracker
Pacific   (ex)(1-1992 -> )Original Supplier
Pete Dosset   (ex)(1992 -> 1993)Cracker
Phantom Lord   (ex)(1-1992 -> )Coder, Cracker, Modem Trader, Swapper
Poet   (ex)( -> 8-1991)(unknown function)
Ramjam   (ex)(1993 -> )Cracker, Musician
Rebel   (ex)Sysop
Redskin   (ex)Coder
Rhythm   (ex)(1992 -> 1992)Cracker
Rip   (ex)( -> 3-1992)Coder, Swapper
Sentinel   (ex)(7-1995 -> 9-1996)Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Original Supplier
Spermbird   (ex)(10-1995 -> 8-1996)Mega Swapper
Starkiller   (ex)(16/5-1991 -> )Mega Swapper, Modem Trader
Static   (ex)(6-1991 -> )Graphician, Swapper
Stormfront   (ex)(5-1996 -> 12-1996)Cracker, Swapper
Storyteller   (ex)(5-1991 -> )Mega Swapper, Modem Trader
Taze   (ex)( -> 12-1991)(unknown function)
Techno   (ex)(7-1991 -> )(unknown function)
Tesla   (ex)Graphician
The Celtic Cross   (ex)(1992 -> 1992)Cracker, Mega Swapper, Modem Trader, Original Supplier
Touchstone   (ex)(1-1992 -> )Swapper
Trasher []   (ex)(1-1992 -> 1-1995)Cracker, Swapper, Modem Trader, Original Supplier
Truss   (ex)Swapper
TSP   (ex)Swapper
Twynn   (ex)Coder, Graphician, Musician
Vengeance   (ex)(1992 -> 1992)Original Supplier, Swapper, Modem Trader
Wolf   (ex)Mega Swapper
Zak   (ex)(3-1992 -> 3-1992)Cover Designer, Graphician, Papermag Editor, Swapper
updated 19/02/2024